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230913 Scuffle at Hastings in 1066
231112 Mt. Tamalpais from Nike Missile Site on El Sobrante Hill
230101 Mt. Tamalpais from Vermeer's Portico on El Sobrante Hill
230719 Pied-Piper and His Simulacrum
220507 Beichen's Apartments With Indexical Boxes
220405 Golden Gate Bridge and Indexical Boxes from Mad Mark's Castle
200320 Pied Piper Tap Dancing
20" x 16" Oil plus on Board
240109 La Tata Vuillard Étudie le
Principia Mathematica
de Newton
220404 Golden Gate Bridge and Indexical Boxes from Mad Mark's Castle
20" x 16" Oil plus on Board
221203 La Tata Vuillard Étudie Newton Dans La Boite
221009 Picasso Rend Visite Imaginaire Chez Madame Vuillard
220523 Madame Vuillard Coud à la Mer
32" x 28" Oil plus on Canvas
210815 Ms. Yuey's Redhead in Napa at the Third Street Bridge
20" x 16" Oil plus on Board
220531 Les Enfants Vuillard Chez Leur Oncle Van Gogh
32" x 28" Oil plus on Canvas
221120 Yuey's Brunette at Napa River Near the Third Street Bridge
32" x 28" Oil plus on Canvas
240410 La Vieille Dame Vuillard Étudie la Pataphysique à la Baie d'Albany
210816 Ms. Yuey's Brunette Visiting at Beichen's Imaginary Villa
20" x 16" Oil plus on Board
221128 Reflection at Beichen's Reloaded Apartments
230617 Ms. Yuey's Brunette Visiting at Beichen's Imaginary Villa
230716 Ms. Yuey's Imaginary Visit to Beichen's Obscure Retreat
240513 Bruno's Cocktail Party
240510 Anastatic Almond Blossoms
240218 Yuey's Namagiri Visits Hamlin
230720-1 Beichen's Big Wheel
230720-2 Beichen's Big Wheel
230921-b Beichen's Big Wheel
230720-N Beichen's Big Wheel
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